About Company
Irrespective of whether you are looking for outdoor furniture, patio furniture,…or sublime items to complement your indoor furniture, the name that comes to mind is OMG! OMG is the premium home furniture manufacturer through the current times, and our items are fast making inroads into Indian homes – delighting users with their aesthetics and quality, always! We also make premium office furniture items available for your discretion. Read more
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Who we are
OMG is a brand that was set up in 2014, with the idea to make premium furniture affordable for all buyers. Right from its inception, …OMG’s key focus area has been quality.Our idea of creating great furniture stems from the fact that we believe that great furniture is meant to last. This is irrespective of the number of hours that it is put to use. Even years after one buys the furniture, it should look and feel as good as new and should never fail to attract compliments from all onlookers. When we create furniture, the main thing that we keep in mind is that the furniture should give great service to its users. We create furniture that lasts, and that’s what makes us stand out in this highly competitive industry. Read more